Power of Sound

How people are using noise cancelling to settle in the silence and revel in the sounds.

Real stories of people tuning in or out to feel peace, find escape and for self-care.

The moment you open your eyes and let in the sunlight, you also let in the outside world. From the daily hustle of life to the responsibilities, demands and thoughts that weigh on our minds, you’re surrounded by a constant barrage of sights and sounds that invade your space, play on your emotions and affect your mind. But with the power of sound, people are finding ways to “escape” when the world gets to be too much. They are finding joy, comfort and sometimes even relief.

Discover how sound is transforming lives and the real stories of life made better with the power of sound.

A time for silence, a time for sound.

haos and noise are part of the territory for flight attendants. And for attendants like Japo, the constant sensory overload can weigh heavily, both mentally and emotionally, and be stressful. Making it hard to find those bits of peace that bring a sense of balance and goodness into everyday life.


“Silence has been a survival tool for me”

Japo, flight attendant


Get an up-close look at how Japo is making each day better by controlling the sound she lets in, feeling the beauty of the music. With the power of sound, Japo’s finding the goodness in herself and practising self-care, or “self-love” as she calls it. Taking care of herself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually by creating a space to call her own by cancelling noise and layering in her music.